Cannabis: 12 Interesting Facts You Should Know
Marijuana, also known as weed or pot, refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the hemp plant cannabis sativa, which contains the psychoactive and mind-altering chemical, delta-9-tetra-hydro-cannabinol, or THC, as well as other related compounds. Researchers find that 42% of people surveyed in the U.S have tried marijuana at least once. In contrast, only 20% of people surveyed in the Netherlands, where weed has been legal for 38 years, reported having tried pot; in Asian countries, such as Japan and China, marijuana use is virtually “non-existent,” Out of the estimated 22 million pounds of marijuana grown each year in the United States, nearly 80% comes from California, Tennessee, Kentucky, Hawaii, and Washington. An estimated one-third of America’s weed is grown indoors. An indoor grow module accommodating 4 plants sucks as much electricity as 29 refrigerators. In California, indoor marijuana grow modules account for about 9% of household electricity use...